Many parents ask the question "Is my child ready for school?". Parents often believe that children require some reading and writing skills to be ready for school. Literacy and numeracy skills are not essential to determine school preparedness.
Children's social competence is at the core of school readiness and effective transition to school. Social skills such as sharing, turn taking and playing well with other children are fundamental in assisting children's success at school.
The following skills are not pre-requisites for school, however are indicators to help determine school readiness.
Social and Emotional Maturity
* Interacts appropriately and functions in a large group.
* Interacts appropriately and functions in a small group.
* Interacts comfortably with children and adults.
* Works or plays independently.
* Respects the property of others.
* Adapts to different settings, transitions and changes in activities or routines.
* Plays co-operatively.
* Participates in activities.
* Shares and takes turns.
* Copes with anger/frustration without excessive inappropriate behaviours, such as hitting, having tantrums and/or running away.
* Follows adult directions.
* Follows rules and general routine.
* Follows a few directions at a time without being distracted by others.
* Understands difference between work and play time.
* Makes simple choices.
* Makes some decisions and initiating own play and work at the early childhood program without always following the lead of others or needing lots of prompting from teachers.
* Shares with others.
* Accepts guidance or direction from adults.
* Separates happily from parents.
* Deals at a rudimentary level with conflict, not hitting out or hurting others when conflict or frustration occurs.
* Relates to other adults other than parents.
* Ability to work alone and also in a group.
Self-Help Skills
* Independently takes care of toileting needs.
* Takes care of personal hygiene e.g. washes and dries hands; blows nose.
* Eats independently.
* Finds and takes care of personal belongings.
* Knows first and last names.
* Knows age and birth date.
* Asks for help and/or ask questions.
* Tends to own needs.
* Recognises own belongings.
* Takes responsibility at a basic level for own possessions, like hanging smock up after a painting or putting away lunch box.
Language Skills
* Expresses and relates ideas, thought, experiences and feelings in words.
* Verbally communicates his or her personal needs.
* Understands and follows directions with two or three steps/parts.
* Listens to a story in a group setting.
* Follows group instructions.
* Speaks in short sentences.
* Asks questions.
* Repeats phrases or simple sentences shortly after hearing them.
* Communicates with other children.
* Engages in conversation.
* Describes thing e.g. what he/she is playing, doing or looking at.
* Shows interest in learning new words and word play (joining in repetitive patterns, verses, rhymes).
* Speaks in grammatically correct, expanded sentences.
* Expresses ideas fluently.
* Contributes to discussions.
* Talks with and responds to the teacher.
* Can tell a simple story and recount events in sequence.
* Knows some nursery rhymes, chants or songs.
* Enjoys listening to stories and joining in the discussion.
* Sustains attention to a task for a reasonable amount of time (10-15 minutes approximately).
* Sits and listens without distraction for a reasonable amount of time.
Pre-Academic Skills
* Names basic colours and shapes.
* Shows interest in stories and books.
* Is beginning to understand story structure (beginning, middle, end, main characters).
* Is beginning to understand the connection between oral language and written language.
* Recognises his/her name to identify their property and is learning to write it.
* Completes a task without needing lots of prompting from teacher.
* Finishes tasks.
* Displays interest and curiosity in learning.
* Knows how to handle a book.
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
* Holds a pencil or crayon with correct grip.
* Draws a person and basic shapes.
* Holds scissors correctly and can cut out a simple shape.
* Turn a tap on and off.
* Is able to unscrew a bottle.
* String beads, manipulate smaller objects and is working towards tying laces.
* Is able to run, climb, jump, hop and skip.
* Participates in activities involving hand-eye co-ordination e.g. bounce a ball, catch and throw a large ball.